Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Wandel -Aufgaben und Herausforderungen für die Agrar und Umweltinformatik, Referate der 26. GIL Jahrestagung, 06.-08. März 2006, Potsdam P-78, 185-188 (2006).



K. -O. Wenkel, P. Wagner, M. Morgenstern, K. Luzi, P. Eisermann (eds.)


Grundlegende Anforderungen an das Datenmanagement in interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten

C. Mückschel , G. A. Schachtel and W. Köhler A. Wehrum J. Nieschulze


Set-up and maintenance of central data management systems in interdisciplinary research projects face some typical problems and challenges. Data management should be regarded as an integral and indispensable constituent of any multi-group project and must therefore be included from early on into the conceptual planning. Continuous and close communication between the system developing team and all other subprojects about the needs and options of either side facilitates an efficient and smooth data management, e.g. the collection, storage, and access of project data. The userÅ› integration into involvement in the processes of system development supports the implementation of intuitively understandable interfaces and promotes system acceptance.

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ISBN 3-88579-172-2

Last changed 24.01.2012 21:53:08