Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

Mobile Informationssysteme -Potentiale, Hindernisse, Einsatz 1. Fachtagung Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme (MMS)Passau, 20.-22. Februar 2006 P-76, 33-44 (2006).



Thomas Kirste, Birgitta König-Ries, Key Pousttchi, Klaus Turowski (eds.)


Update relevance under the multiset semantics of RDBMS

Hagen Höpfner


In order to reduce transmission costs and response time, mobile clients typically cache data locally. But, avoiding the usage of outdated data and maintaining the consistency of the global database, require the propagation of update information. In this paper we consider the problem of checking the relevance of server side updates for cached data. Therefore, we use test queries performed on a statefull server. At this, the paper discusses issues that especially result from the usage of the multiset semantics of the relational data model.

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ISBN 3-88579-170-6

Last changed 24.01.2012 21:52:45