Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) P-144, 428-437 (2009).

Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn

Copyright © Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn


Efficient adaptive retrieval and mining in large multimedia databases

I. Assent


Multimedia databases are increasingly common in science, business, entertainment and many other applications. Their size and high dimensionality of features are major challenges for efficient and effective retrieval and mining. Effective similarity models are usually computationally far too complex for straightforward usage in large high dimensional multimedia databases. We propose efficient algorithms for these effective models that show substantially improved scalability. Our index-based methods for efficient query processing and mining restrict the search space to task relevant data. Multistep filter-and-refine approaches using novel filter functions with quality guarantees ensure that fast response times are achieved without any loss of result accuracy.

Full Text: PDF

Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn
ISBN 978-3-88579-238-3

Last changed 04.10.2013 18:20:38