Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

Information Systems Technology and its Applications 6th International Conference ISTA`2007 May 23-25, 2007, Kharkiv, Ukraine P-107, 91-104 (2007).



Heinrich C. Mayr (ed.), Dimitris Karagiannis (ed.)


Evaluating PSI ontologies by mapping to the common sense

N. Keberle , V. Ermolayev and W. -E. Matzke


The paper presents the results of mapping of PSI Ontologies family to the foundational ontologies: WordNet, SUMO and DOLCE. The two main outcomes of the presented research are: reported manual technique may be used as initial evaluation of ontology claiming to be a golden standard for a new domain; and: usage of mentioned foundational ontologies for alignment of ontologies family of a given domain has shown differences between SUMO and DOLCE, two formal upper-level ontologies of common sense knowledge. The research reported was performed in the frame of our PSI project1.

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Last changed 04.10.2013 18:14:08