Gesellschaft f�r Informatik e.V.

Lecture Notes in Informatics

INFORMATIK 2006, Informatik für Menschen, Band 2, Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2. - 6. Oktober 2006 in Dresden P-94, 189-196 (2006).



Christian Hochberger, Rüdiger Liskowsky (eds.)


Model-based testing in the field: lessons learne

Wolfgang Grieskamp


For half a decade model-based testing has been applied at Microsoft in the internal development process. Though a success story compared to other formal quality assurance approaches like verification, a break-through of the technology on a broader scale is not in sight. What are the obstacles? This paper describes the application of MBT at Microsoft, discusses the problems in the adoption, and draws some conclusions for the design of MBT tools.1

Full Text: PDF

ISBN 978-3-88579-188-1

Last changed 24.01.2012 21:56:11